Hardcloud Loyalty Discount Program

At Hardcloud, we value your loyalty and want to say a heartfelt thank you to all of our dedicated customers. Your continued support means the world to us, and we’re excited to offer you exclusive savings through our Loyalty Discount Program.

How It Works:

  • Current discount: Once you’ve subscribed using the Discount pop-up, you’ll receive a Discount Code and will get 15% off your first 3 orders.
  • Unlock your life time discount: Once you’ve completed 3 or more orders with Hardcloud, you’ll unlock a 20% discount code on every future purchase.
  • Applying your life time discount: Simply enter the code HCLoyal at checkout to receive 20% off your total order.

The Savings Add Up:

  • Every time you shop, you save 20% — whether it’s on your favourite surf and skate menswear, new releases, or sale items.
  • Example: On a £100 order, you’ll save £20 — and the more you shop, the more you save!

Why We’re Offering This Discount:

This discount is our way of thanking you for being such an important part of the Hardcloud community. Your loyalty allows us to keep bringing you the surf and skate gear you love. We’re proud to have you with us, and we want to give back in a meaningful way.

Benefits of the Hardcloud Loyalty Program:

  • 20% off for life: Once you’ve unlocked the code HCLoyal, you can use it on every future order — no expiration, no limits!
  • Exclusive perks: As a loyal Hardcloud customer, you’ll be the first to know about new collections, special promotions, and exclusive offers.

Ready to enjoy your rewards? Start shopping today, and after your third order, remember to use the code HCLoyal to save on every future purchase!

Hardcloud Loyalty Discount Program – Terms & Conditions

By participating in the Hardcloud Loyalty Discount Program, you agree to the following Terms & Conditions:

1. Eligibility for Loyalty Discount

  • The HCLoyal discount code is only available to customers who have completed 3 or more orders with Hardcloud and have an account with Hardcloud.
  • Once eligible, customers can use the HCLoyal code to receive a 20% discount on all future purchases.

2. Discount on Sale Items

  • The HCLoyal discount code can be applied to all products, including items that are already on sale or discounted.
  • For products already on sale, the 20% loyalty discount will be applied on top of the existing discount, providing you with extra savings.
    • Example: If a product is on sale for £80 (original price £100), applying the HCLoyal code will reduce the price to £64.

3. How to Apply the Discount

  • To redeem the loyalty discount, enter the code HCLoyal at checkout.
  • The discount will be applied automatically to eligible products in your cart.
  • The HCLoyal discount cannot be combined with any other active promo codes.

4. Non-Transferable

  • The loyalty discount code is personal to the customer and cannot be shared, transferred, or sold to other individuals.

5. No Expiration

  • Once the HCLoyal discount code is unlocked, it does not expire and can be used on future purchases without any time restrictions.

6. Limitations

  • The HCLoyal discount code cannot be applied to gift cards, taxes, or shipping costs.
  • Hardcloud reserves the right to modify or cancel the loyalty program or its terms at any time without prior notice.
  • In the event of misuse of the discount, Hardcloud reserves the right to revoke access to the HCLoyal discount code and take appropriate action.

7. Returns & Exchanges

  • If a product purchased with the HCLoyal discount code is returned, the refund will reflect the price paid after applying the discount.
  • If you exchange an item, the discount will remain applicable to the new item.

8. General Discount Terms

  • Discounts are applied at the sole discretion of Hardcloud.
  • Discounts do not apply to previous purchases made before unlocking the loyalty discount.
  • Hardcloud is not responsible for any technical issues that prevent the discount from being applied at checkout.